Samsung WW12K8412OX 12kg AddWash Washing Machine 1400rpm – GRAPHITE

Samsung love to innovate and we love their 12kg AddWash washing machine, finished in graphite. Ecobubble technology creates bubbles of water, detergent and air that run through the fabric for rapid and thorough penetration. The brilliant AddWash function is ideal for when there’s a dropped sock or sudden spill, as you can add it to the load even after the cycle starts. With twelve programmes to choose from and an A+++ energy rating, this machine is a great choice for a busy family. All powered by Samsung’s Inverter Motor, removing belts and pulleys for a more reliable, economical and efficient system.

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Samsung WW70K5413UX 7kg AddWash Washing Machine 1400rpm – GRAPHITE

Finished in graphite, this brilliant 7kg washing machine from Samsung is more than just attractive. Bursting with features it shows off Samsung’s innovations with an energy efficiency of A+++, keeping running costs low. Ecobubble technology mixes air, water and detergent for efficient penetration of fabric, meaning better wash results! And if you miss an item, that’s not a problem with Samsung’s AddWash feature, you simply open the AddWash door and pop it in. With programmes including 15 minute Quick Wash, Baby Care and Delicates, there’s a perfect option for every load.

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