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How to Improve Air Quality in Your Home

Woman petting a cat on a yoga mat, plants and Briiv air purifier are in the background

Improving the air quality in your home means breathing easier, and reducing your risk of developing health problems. In this guide we discuss what air pollution is, and how you can reduce it in your home. What is Air Pollution? Air pollution is air that has been contaminated by a harmful substance. This could be […]

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The Most Important Things To Consider When Designing A New Kitchen

A white modern kitchen

There are lots of important things to consider when designing a new kitchen. This includes making sure that your new kitchen has good functionality and incorporates your own style and taste. And finally, you have to make sure that you can do all of these things whilst staying within your budget. In this blog we […]

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How To Choose the Best Colour Scheme for Your Kitchen

Large kitchen with a white, light blue and light wood tone colour scheme.

The colour scheme you choose for your kitchen can directly affect the mood that you create. Different colours will enhance different moods. The right colour can transform a dark and uninviting room into a bright and conversational living space! Finding the right colour scheme for your kitchen is an important element in kitchen design. The […]

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How To Keep Your Home Warm on a Budget

Man and woman cuddled under a blanket holding mugs.

Keeping your home warm in cold weather can be a challenge, especially when you’re trying to keep your energy bills down. In this article we explore ways of warming your home when you’re on a budget. We cover tips that you can use straight away, and tips for when you’re remodelling that will save you […]

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Everything You Need To Know About Kitchen Hygiene

Two hands making a heart whilst wearing hot pink kitchen gloves. Background shows a white kitchen wall with wooden countertop.

Maintaining good kitchen hygiene is crucial for preventing illnesses and staying in good health. Without it, you risk the growth and spread of harmful bacteria. In this article, we provide you with all the information you need to know about kitchen hygiene. This includes how to deep clean your kitchen, and steps to prevent cross-contamination. […]

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Fairmont; Another Guy Phoenix Masterpiece.

Outside image of the Fairmont home by Guy Phoenix at dusk.

Last night we were at the opening of the stunning bespoke masterpiece that is Fairmont, developed by Guy Phoenix. Located in stunning Edwalton, Nottingham, every aspect of this luxury home has been considered. From the angle of the balconies and terraces to optimise natural light all day, to the positioning of every room for beautiful […]

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Celebrating Yorkshire Pudding Day – A British Favourite

Appliance City - Yorkshire Pudding Day - Recipes

Yorkshire puddings can be found on most dinner tables. At the very least on Sundays, but if it’s my house we’ll have a Sunday dinner any day that ends in y. As an American, there is nothing better than having the equivalent of Thanksgiving Dinner every Sunday or even on a cold night during the week. […]

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