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Halloween Baking Ideas

Person piping Halloween designs onto homemade biscuits.

Get into the spirit of Halloween with these creepy Halloween baking ideas! From pumpkin cupcakes to Halloween piñata cookies, we’ve got lots of easy baking ideas for the whole family this Halloween. Halloween is a great time to bake, whether you’re baking with your kids or by yourself. There are so many fun and spooky […]

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18 Tasty Autumn Recipes

Slice of Pumpkin Pie

Now that the weather is getting colder and harvest season is in full swing, it’s time to whip up some mouth-watering autumn recipes. Some fantastic autumn produce to include in your autumn meals include:  Spinach, pumpkin, cabbage, leeks, butternut squash, parsnips, onions, apples, and so much more. We’ve scoured the internet and put together a […]

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Dinner Party Ideas: Themed Nights, Playlists, Decor and Exquisite Menus

A dinner party with a table set of glasses

Have you ever fancied yourself as the star of Come Dine with Me? Or thought to yourself ‘I can do better’ when watching? Whether you’re thinking of entertaining friends or family, or are actually hosting your very own Come Dine with Me at home, we’ve got some ideas to get you the all-important 10s when […]

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Summer Smoothie Recipes: Refresh Yourself & Your Kitchen

Summer is in full swing! With the heat at a record high and humidity beyond what hair can handle, there’s a smell of refreshing summer drinks in the air. If you’re bored of pre-made, luke-warm drinks and looking for something to reinvigorate your brain—why not try these fantastic summer smoothie recipes? They’re perfect entertainment for […]

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Ma Ma Ma Maple Syrup! Slather, Lather or Drip it on.

Maple Syrup Day - Recipes - Appliance City

I never knew there was a day attributed to celebrating maple syrup. When I moved to the UK I could barely find maple syrup and when I could it was extortionate. These days you can get it anywhere, it’s still pretty dear but doesn’t it just taste delicious? Maple is a flavour that is savoured year […]

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Scrumptious Savouries and Other Pastry Delights

pastry day recipes

It’s National Pastry Day, what better way to celebrate then trying your hand at making your own puff pastry, whipping up a turnover or serving up a homemade sausage roll? Making pastries used to put me off. There’s just something that seems so complicated with a delicate, light pastry that I didn’t think I could […]

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Celebrating Yorkshire Pudding Day – A British Favourite

Appliance City - Yorkshire Pudding Day - Recipes

Yorkshire puddings can be found on most dinner tables. At the very least on Sundays, but if it’s my house we’ll have a Sunday dinner any day that ends in y. As an American, there is nothing better than having the equivalent of Thanksgiving Dinner every Sunday or even on a cold night during the week. […]

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14 of the Best Spring Detox Juice, Smoothie & Water Infusion Recipes

Appliance City Life Online Magazine

Over indulged over Easter? We know the feeling! That’s why we’ve put together a list of our favourite smoothie, juice and flavoured water recipes to help detox the body and get on the path to eating well again. Even better is that many of these recipes can be made without a juicer or other expensive […]

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