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The Rise of Autodose Washing Machines

Miele auto dosing washing machine showing distributing of detergent

Washing machines are getting smarter! A household feature growing in population are Autodose washing machines.  But what does this mean, and is this feature worth the money? What does auto dosing mean on a washing machine? Auto dosing is a premium washing machine feature. These washing machines automatically calculate the amount of detergent and/or fabric […]

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Utility Room vs Laundry Room: Is There a Difference?

Utility rooms have quickly become one of the trendiest places in the house. Instagram feed’s are filled with do-it-yourself cleaning hacks, pantry organisation videos and renovations of the latest laundry room looks. Since when did the laundry room become such a presentable, contemporary part of the family home? Laundry Room Everyone has a washing machine. […]

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Washing Machines & Dryers: Siemens Technology Explained…

Siemens washing machines and tumble dryers are some of the most reliable on the market. They offer state-of-the-art-technology whilst keeping up with competitors on luxurious, stylish designs. But what makes their laundry products so special? We’re looking into the unique features Siemens have invented and how they make your life easier. A little bit about […]

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Myth Buster! Washing Machines with High Spin Speeds

When buying a new washing machine it’s easy to feel slightly overwhelmed with all the options available. Spin speeds, special cycles, capacities & drum sizes, it all can get a bit confusing. When it comes to buying, you might be wondering what’s the best spin speed and how it will affect your clothing. Read on to find out what the […]

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3 Things To Do When First Unpacking Your New Washing Machine

LG tumble dryer

Picture this, your shiny new washing machine has arrived in your home. You’ve got laundry that needs washing for tomorrow and you’re raring to get started, but what do you need to do before you load it and turn it on? Follow our mini checklist to make sure you’ve got everything sorted before your first […]

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