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Which Herbs and Spices Go Well With Which Foods?

Delicious well seasoned roast dinner

Herbs and spices are versatile, and figuring out which herbs and spices go well with certain foods is a subjective topic. Therefore, you may want to try out different combinations to find your personal favourite. What a great excuse to keep cooking your most-loved meals!

We’ve broken down the most popular herb and spice choices for different foods to help you make the best decision for your dish.


Herbs and Spices for Fish

Basil, dill, parsley, tarragon, rosemary and thyme are great options for fish. In particular, basil and lemon pair nicely together, and can be used for any fish. However it is most popular on white fish, such as cod or haddock.


There are many herbs that go well with salmon. These include parsley, tarragon, dill, bay leaves, rosemary, thyme and oregano.

Cooked salmon on white background

If you want to pack a lot of flavour into your salmon, you can mix all of these herbs together in equal parts and spread it over your salmon before cooking. Alternatively, you can experiment with different herb combinations to find your favourite.

A combination that we recommend trying on your salmon is dill and parsley, mixed with fresh chives, garlic and lemon juice.

White Fish

White fish, such as cod and haddock, can be paired with basil, dill, lemongrass, rosemary, thyme, parsley, sage and smoked paprika.

Cooked cod chunks on white background

This herb and spice mix can also be used together in equal parts, or you can mix and match your own combination. 

We recommend trying a combination of basil, dill, thyme, parsley and paprika mixed in equal parts on your white fish. Serve with a lemon wedge.

Herbs and Spices for Meat

See below for which herbs and spices go well with different meat options. 

But don’t be afraid to experiment with different herbs! The herbs and spices recommended for these meats are a recommendation only. They have been tried and tested, and we know they taste great! But taste is a personal preference. Feel free to throw some rosemary on your chicken, or some sage on your lamb. You’re the chef!


Enhance the flavours of your beef with celery, coriander, marjoram, sage, thyme, rosemary, oregano and garlic.

Cooked steak on white background

A combination we recommend trying is thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano and garlic powder.

Roast Beef

Improve your roast dinner game with succulent roast beef seasoned with basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, mustard and garlic.

Sliced roast beef on white background

We would recommend using an equal mix of all of these herbs. Add some extra garlic powder if it’s to your taste!


Many herbs and spices go well with chicken. However some of the best include garlic, marjoram, tarragon, oregano and coriander.

Roast chicken on white background

We recommended trying a herb mix with equal parts of each herb. Feel free to add or remove other herbs as per your taste preferences.


Lamb pairs great with basil, coriander, garlic, mint, oregano, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Lamb shanks on white background

A herb mix we recommend trying is rosemary, oregano, mint, basil and garlic powder.


Pork pairs well with garlic, marjoram, mustard, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme.

Roast pork on white background

We suggest trying sage, thyme and garlic powder.


Season your turkey perfectly for Christmas with basil, rosemary, cumin, oregano, thyme and sage.

Roast turkey with cranberries on white background

This Christmas we recommend trying a blend of rosemary, thyme and sage. You can also add marjoram, parsley, garlic powder and onion powder for extra flavour power!

Herbs and Spices for Vegetables

There are many, many vegetables in the world, and lots of herbs and spices! Because of that, there are a countless number of herb and spice combinations to try and choose from. Below we’ve quickly put together a list of the best herbs and spices for each common vegetable (at least here in the UK) for you to try.

But, we understand that most people aren’t going to season each individual vegetable separately. Most, like us, will probably bung all of their veggies together and throw their chosen seasoning on it all. So if you’re anything like us, you’ll need a good versatile herb and spice mix! We’ve taken the time to put together a few different herb and spice combinations so you can find the perfect mix for your veggies.

For even better flavour, we recommend steam cooking your veggies in a steam oven. Steam ovens retain flavour and nutrients, so you don’t have to compromise flavour for health! Read about all the pros and cons of steam ovens here.


Cut artichoke on white background

Artichokes pair well with bay leaves, coriander, parsley and paprika.


Asparagus on white background

Pair your asparagus with dill, marjoram, nutmeg and rosemary.

Aubergine (Eggplant)

Aubergine, or egg plant, on white background

Aubergines, otherwise known as eggplants, pair well with curry powder, basil, garlic, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary and sage.


Broccoli on white background

Pair broccoli with chives, garlic, marjoram, nutmeg, oregano, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel sprouts on white background

Brussel sprouts pair well with caraway, marjoram, nutmeg, oregano, parsley and rosemary.

Butternut Squash

Butternut squash on white background

Pair butternut squash with basil, chives, marjoram, oregano, parsley, sage and thyme.


Cabbage on white background

Cabbage pairs well with bay leaves, chives, curry powder, garlic, lemon, marjoram, nutmeg and parsley.


Carrots on white background

Pair your carrots with basil, dill, garlic, ginger, mint, parsley, sage and thyme.


Cauliflower on white background

Cauliflower pairs well with basil, dill, coriander, curry powder, ginger, mint, nutmeg and oregano.

Courgette (Zucchini)

Courgette on white background

Pair your courgettes, otherwise known as zucchini, with basil, garlic, oregano and parsley.

Green Beans

Green beans on white background

Green beans pair well with basil, dill, garlic, nutmeg and pepper.


Leeks on white background

Pair your leeks with bay leaves, celery salt, dill, mustard, paprika, parsley and thyme.


Mushrooms on white background

Mushrooms pair well with basil, chives, garlic, onion powder, parsley, pepper, rosemary and thyme.


Onions on white background

Pair your onions with basil, celery salt, coriander, garlic, marjoram, paprika, pepper and sage.


Peas on white background

Peas pair well with basil, marjoram, mint, nutmeg, parsley, sage and tarragon.


Potatoes on white background

Pair your potatoes with garlic, nutmeg, paprika, pepper, rosemary and thyme


Tomatoes on white background

Technically a fruit, tomatoes pair well with basil, chives, dill, garlic, oregano, parsley, tarragon and thyme.

Vegetable Herb and Spice Mixes

Shelves full of herbs and spices in little jars

Weeknight Delight Herb and Spice Mix

Basil, dill, garlic, nutmeg, parsley and thyme.

Christmas Inspired Herb and Spice Mix

Cinnamon, garlic powder, nutmeg, onion powder, smoked paprika, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Mediterranean Roast Herb and Spice Mix

Basil, garlic, oregano, paprika, rosemary and thyme.

Vegetable Curry Herb and Spice Mix

Basil, curry powder, coriander, garlic, oregano and nutmeg.

Versatile Vegetable Herb and Spice Mix

Basil, dill, garlic, mint, parsley and thyme.

Savoury Vegetable Herb and Spice Mix

Chives, garlic, nutmeg, paprika, rosemary and sage.

We hope these vegetable herb and spice mixes inspire you! Have a play around to see which flavours work best for your chosen vegetables. You could become the creator of your family’s very own top secret herb and spice mix! Don’t worry, we won’t tell.

Which herbs work best in this dish?

Need to add some more flavour to your meal? Read our helpful guide for which herb/s you can add!


Basil on white background

Cheese, eggs, fish, lamb, pasta, potatoes, salads and tomato sauces.

Bay Leaf

Bay leaf on white background

Fish and vegetable soups, meat stews, poached fish and tomato sauces.


Dill on white background

Cream based dishes, cottage cheese, fish, pickles, potatoes, tomatoes and vegetables.


Marjoram on white background

Beef, cheese dishes, fish, pork, roast chicken, stew, stuffing and vegetable soups.


Mint on white background

Pork, potatoes and peas.


Oregano on white background

Chilli, fish and vegetable salads, pork, pizza and tomato sauces.


Parsley on white background

Cheese, eggs, meats, soups and vegetables.


Rosemary on white background

Cauliflower, fish, potatoes and poultry stuffing.


Sage on white background

Burger patties, pork, poultry, sausage and stuffing.


Tarragon on white background

Cheese dishes, chicken, egg dishes, fish sauces, meat sauces, pickles, salads, tomato sauces and vegetables.


Thyme on white background

Beef, cheese, eggs, fish, pork, soups, stuffing and vegetables.


These pairings offer a starting point for flavoursome meals, but true perfection lies in exploration. The possibilities are as diverse as your taste buds!

For meats, the recommended herbs and spices serve as a solid foundation. Vegetables, with their unique profiles, find their perfect partners in herb and spice blends.

Steam ovens further lock in flavours and nutrients. Not sure if a steam oven is right for you? Call our friendly appliance experts on 0115 965 1937.

If you’re willing to share your own herb and spice mixes, we’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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